A new guide today in the Adafruit Learning System: Build your own BeBox and run BeOS using Virtualbox
Back in the 1980s, a certain Apple executive in charge of Macintosh development was forced out of Apple, then went and founded a new computer company. They made a very advanced OS and their own hardware, but stopped producing hardware soon after to focus on software. Their OS was considered by Apple to be used as the basis of Mac OS X.
No, it’s not Steve Jobs and NeXT, it was Jean Louis Gassée and Be. Gassée took over as the head of Macintosh development after Jobs left and also developed the Newton MessagePad. He left Apple and founded Be Inc. intending to make a modern operating system and powerful custom hardware to run it. Those became BeOS and the BeBox.
Learn how to set up your own virtual machine with BeOS on it with available software. Nostalgia rules!
I will always love BeOS for these kernel functions:
int32 is_computer_on(void)
Returns 1 if the computer is on. If the computer isn’t on, the value returned by this function is undefined.
double is_computer_on_fire(void)
Returns the temperature of the motherboard if the computer is currently on fire. If the computer isn’t on fire, the function returns some other value.