Pictures from Diana Initiative Soldering Workshop in Las Vegas 2019 #DEFCON #DEFCON27 #BadgeLife @DianaInitiative

Picture of the finished Red Gem Badge shows a blinking LED
Picture of the soldered Red Gem Badge and fully working running the program from the Attiny85

During the annual Hacker Summer Camp in Las Vegas hackers pour in from all the corners of the world to gather at DEFCON 27. During this time the Diana Initiative also held a conference for the third year in a row. The Diana Initiative is a conference aimed towards helping all who identify as women and nonbinary who are new or working in Information Security. The conference had amazing hands-on activities some of which were: learning to lockpick with the talented crew from LockpickExtreme , and the soldering village to build the Red Gem Badge. 

The Red Gem Badge was designed, programmed, built and tested by Chris who goes by TechGirlMN on Twitter. She also helped the attendees assemble the badge. If you would like the instructions for how to build the Red Gem Badge the instructions can be found over at this google drive. For this post, we will focus on the activities at the soldering village at Diana Initiative!

The soldering village was a room broken out into 4 big round tables. 3 of those tables where communal soldering stations meaning there were soldering irons, solder, other tools attendees would share to build the badge! The 3 tables ranged from beginner, intermediate to “expert” so people could choose their soldering comfort level to sit at. The 4th table was a components stations where attendees would grab a plastic cup, the badge and circle their way around the table picking the number of resistors, LEDS, buttons needed to build the badge.

The only component not given to the students was the Attiny85 until the instructor quality checked the board to ensure no cold joints, bridged connections, burned parts where present.

Component pickup to build a badge
Component pick up table


Diana Initiative Red Gem Badge
Diana Initiative Red Gem Badge PCB before component placement


Back of the Red Gem Badge
Back of the Red Gem Badge

Here are the pictures of the instructions to build the Red Gem Badge which was powered by an Attiny 85 at Diana Initiative:

picking up a coin cell battery holder to assemble the soldering kit
picking up a coin cell battery holder to assemble the soldering kit


component pick up table getting the switch for the board
component pick up table getting the switch for the board


Picture of the communal soldering table where soldering irons are in the center and instructions available for people to assemble the badge.
Communal Soldering Table had soldering guides and an instruction PDF to solder the Red Gem Badge


Instruction guide showing arrows to point to the resistor on the badge
The Red Gem Badge Instruction Sheet was clear about pointing out what components were and where they are located in the badge for easy following.


Picture shows the instructor showing the students how to place the coin cell battery behind the Red Gem Badge
A video of the instructor assembling the Red Gem Badge played in the background while people soldered


Back side of the Red Gem Badge
The finished backside of the Red Gem Badge

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