Real-Time Gesture Tracking for Mobile #MediaPipe #HandLandmark #SignLanguage #MachineLearning #AI #TensorFlow lite @GoogleAI
Gesture Tracking from Google AI Blog: On-Device, Real-Time Hand Tracking with MediaPipe
MediaPipe is an open source framework for processing perceptual data. They recently announced real-time hand tracking for mobile applications. You can imagine the fun that could be had with gesture interpretation (hearts, peace fingers, etc.) as well as more practical applications like sign language interpretation. The pipeline involves a detector model, hand landmark model and the gesture interpreter that classifies gestures:
* A palm detector model (called BlazePalm) that operates on the full image and returns an oriented hand bounding box.
* A hand landmark model that operates on the cropped image region defined by the palm detector and returns high fidelity 3D hand keypoints.
* A gesture recognizer that classifies the previously computed keypoint configuration into a discrete set of gestures.
The hope is that this technology will be used for new and creative solutions in the developer community. If you’d like to learn more about hand tracking with MediaPipe check out their GitHub and hand tracking code base.
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