from sega lion via
The main objective is to build a super-modular system that allows controlling the peripherals as simple (and cheap) as possible, transferring all intelligence to a raspberry pi controling all what happens in the pool.
We often see lots of equipment that is responsible for two or more tasks, more or less autonomously (saline chlorinators that control pH, intellegent pumps that control filtering and other equipment, smart peristaltic pumps with time control or probe connection, etc.). This equipment only partial resolve main automation tasks and dont allow any type of expansion or improvement. This project propose that the peripheral be as stupid (and cheap) as possible, dedicating himself ONLY to his main task. A pump: only filter when told, a saline chlorinator: create chlorine when told, a peristaltic pump, inject when told,…
There are also very modular (and usually quite expensive) professional systems that share this same perspective, but they often have the problem of forcing all components of the same brand to be purchased. If you have already made a strong investment in equipment of this type, this project is probably not for you.
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