AI4ALL Launches “OpenLearning” to Provide Quality AI Education for all. #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #Education @ai4allorg

AI4ALL announces the release of ‘Open Learning’ for educators and community program leaders on Twitter.


In honor of Ada Lovelace Day 2019, AI4ALL announced the release of “AI4ALL Open Learning“. AI4ALL started at Stanford in 2015 as the “SAILORS” program and was co-founded by Dr. Fei-Fei Li and Dr. Olga Russakovsky. The program has expanded to include partnerships with a number of academic institutions. With the launch of ‘Open Learning’ it is now available to all teachers and community leaders.

AI4ALL Open Learning is designed to equip educators and community members to empower high school students with relevant and approachable AI education. The program can be incorporated into the classroom, a club, or a workshop and provides 30+ hours of free curriculum with facilitator guides.

Open Learning is meant to introduce learners to AI without requiring any background in programming or math. It contains 5 units that can be mixed and matched to create a course with 10, 20 or 30 hours of instruction. All of the courses include unit plans and facilitation guidelines and hit on a number of important topics (including AI careers and AI design).

Students Will Learn:

  • What AI and Machine Learning are
  • Who some role models in AI are
  • The benefits and risks of AI and Machine Learning to the world and to themselves
  • How they can be involved in the world of AI and Machine Learning

If you would like to learn more about using Open Learning in your community check out AI4ALL’s website or this article on Medium.

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