Ask HN: Why isn’t open source hardware more popular? – Hacker News @newsycombinator #OHM2019 #oshwa @ohsummit #opensource #opensourcehardware @opensourceorg @adafruit

Adafruit 2019 2892

Good timing, there is an Ask HN: Why isn’t open source hardware more popular? at Hacker News from bArray

Long-form Question: Why isn’t open source hardware more popular in consumer markets?

Motivation: I’ve thought for a while about creating an open-source hardware venture, but I’m not sure I fully understand why the market isn’t more popular than it currently is.


  • Form factor/style? It’s no secret that many consumers consider their devices as part of their fashion statement.
  • Cost? Open source hardware is typically quite a bit more expensive, probably owing to lower numbers of runs and less automation?
  • Capability? Maybe closed-sourced solutions are more polished out-of-the-box?
  • Ater market support? Perhaps people feel left in the dark once they get their product without some dedicated support team? I guess your average consumer may not be happy about submitting a correctly formatted ticket to some Git interface for example.
  • Availability? A lot of open source hardware ventures appear to do short runs in order to ensure they sell out the majority of their stock.

All replies are greatly appreciated 🙂

We posted a reply, there are millions of open-source hardware devices out there, so “popular” would need to be more defined, as well as what “consumer market” refers to in this context as well.

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