Using Dashblock and PyPortal to Track Donations and Fundraisers #pyportal #APIs #CircuitPython @tiltfive @DashblockHQ @BlackGirlsCode @adafruit

Adafruit recently ran a Buy One Give One deal so that whenever you bought a Circuit Playground Expresson this page, Adafruit would automatically donate one to Black Girls CODE.

Well, those 35 boards went quick. So quick in fact that by the time we tried to make a live display of the total number of boards left on a PyPortal they were all gone…

To prove how easy it was to create a live progress tracking display like this with Dashblock, we used the stats from the Tilt Five Kickstarter, which is currently taking preorders for its Holographic Gaming Table.

Tilt Five liked it so much they even put out a free tee-shirt contest for the first five people to get this running on their own PyPortal!

What’s Dashblock?

Using the Dashblock application, we made a custom API that allows us to access current donation count. Check out some of the process in making the API for the Buy One Give One display below and peep our guide on Using Dashblock to Create Custom APIs for PyPortal.

Stay tuned for the next Buy One Give One!

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