A PyPortal Blackjack game: uses sprites, touch, audio #PyPortal #CircuitPython #Gaming @AndyOfLinux

Andy Felong posts a great blackjack game for the Adafruit PyPortal board. The game, programmed in CircuitPython, features graphical sprites, touch, and audio.

The Adafruit PyPortal IoT Device with display has everything you need to connect to the internet, build rich GUIs, connect various sensors AND is easy to program in CircuitPython using Adafruit libraries. The “Explore & Learn” area on the Adafruit website is filled with great sample code, nifty apps and lots of inspiration.

When not working on a personal project, I install various projects from Adafruit on my PyPortal.  A few of my favorites are the PyPortal Weather Station, the PyPortal ISS Tracker, and the PyPortal NASA Image of the Day Viewer.  I also examine and learn techniques from other projects such as the PyPortal Alarm Clock.

After examining the code for these projects and reading documentation for the PyPortal and CircuitPython Libraries, I started developing my Blackjack game. Code examples were great but I had a harder time finding the libraries I needed in order to understand how graphics were displayed. A short guide, “CircuitPython Display Support Using displayio” really helped me understand the use of sprites, graphics as bitmaps, groups, etc. Definitely worth checking out.

The full source code and graphics are available in the post too, all the files are in this zip file.

See the blog post for all the details. Great work Andy!


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