Adafruit Forums user physics_dude posts a tiny circuit board design called the Tronket. It combines the circuitry of the Adafruit Trinket with some prototyping area.
I got inspired to make something recently. Being one of my favorite microcontroller boards, I’ve got quite a few original trinkets. I always end up soldering them to a 250 hole perf board with 0.1″ headers (sometimes with sockets). I also was eager to learn SMD work and Eagle (coming from KiCad) for the first time. This is my first little test project using those skills and I wanted to share; hoping maybe someone else can get inspired to make or sell something out of the idea (Adafruit? nudge nudge).
I plan to transplant a couple attiny85s from my older trinkets to these boards since I don’t want to/can’t flash them myself. I’m waiting for the tactile buttons and USB connectors to arrive in the mail though. I don’t really have a project plan for these things. Though I can easily see these being used for some RGB, micro sensor data-loggers, smart stepper driver, or hey I’ve even got a little lightning-detecting camera trigger circuit I can shrinkify to one of these little things.
In the meantime, here’s my PCBs. I’m not affiliated with them, but for $2 delivered (new customer discount) I have to say I’m pretty impressed with JLCPCB. I can’t wait to start soldering to these things. And yes, my internal running title was “Tronket” (Assimilating Tron due to the 6×9 prototyping grid and “-ket”).
See the post in the Adafruit Forums here.