STEMMA SUNDAY – MLX90640 Thermal Camera @adafruit @sparkfun @seeedstudio @dfrobotcn #qwiic #grove #gravity #stemma #stemmaQT

This weekend we worked up making a Stemma QT (qwiic/Grove compatible) breakout for the MLX90640 32×24 camera (video). We’ve got it working nicely in Arduino up to about 8 fps (you need a fast processor like the SAMD51 with lots o RAM). Then we went back to our old AMG88xx thermal cam demo and ported it to our EdgeBadge. This camera could be good for low cost thermal imaging and also machine learning!

Stemma Stemmaqt-1

Adafruit STEMMA & STEMMA QT Plug & play connectivity

WHAT IS STEMMA? STEMMA is not an original idea, we’re working within an ecosystem of many other plug and play systems. We started STEMMA in 2014, and intended to be compatible with Grove only (cause that’s all that existed at the time) but then when Qwiic came around in 2017, added a smaller connector so we could work with those parts too!

STEMMA attempts to be as cross-compatible as possible with both Grove and Gravity (compatible connectors & 3-5V power/logic). STEMMA QT is cross-compatible with Qwiic - STEMMA QT connector/cable is same as Qwiic. You can use STEMMA QT devices with Qwiic devices/controllers.

Adafruit STEMMA & STEMMA QT: Plug & play connectivity – If you’re lookin for the differences between each and what works (and what does not), skip to the comparison page and if we missed anything, post in the comments!

More STEMMA & STEMMA Sunday! – Adafruit.

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