The Essential Guide to Electronics in Shenzhen, Web Edition @bunniestudios

bunnie @bunniestudios

Andrew “bunnie” Huang writes on Twitter: “A few years ago, I crowdfunded and published ‘The Essential Guide to Shenzhen’. It’s now out of stock, so I’ve decided to share the PDF. Thank you to all my supporters who made this possible!” On bunnie’s blog post, the more in-depth post:

It’s taken me a long time to get around to doing this, but here’s a link for a free-to-download copy of “The Essential Guide to Electronics in Shenzhen”. The catalyst that prompted me to finally get around to this is the fact that Crowd Supply is now sold out (I think Adafruit is also sold out, too). (Ed: yes, Adafruit has sold out also)

Since the maps in the guide are now quite out of date, I figure it’s not worth reprinting the guide. Instead, it may be more useful to publish a link, so that others can swap out the map pages with something more up-to-date and have a swing at making their own derivative works.

To the best of my knowledge, the last few physical copies of the book available for purchase are at MJ Maker’s stall on the 2nd floor of the SEG Plaza in Huaqiangbei. His stall number is 2A08; I think he has maybe 10 copies left as of this post. If you do stop by MJ’s booth, say hi for me.

Thanks again to everyone who supported the book campaign and purchased books. It was a fun adventure making and selling the guide. It was also a good reminder of why print publishing is a hard business!

The PDF guide is here and bunnie’s blog post is here. Thank you bunnie for all you do for the community.

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