Issue 26 HackSpace magazine: Adafruit Drawdio #Adafruit @HackSpaceMag @Adafruit

Issue 26 of HackSpace Magazine features the Adafruit Drawdio Kit as a Best of the Best in their Best of Breed on educational soldering kits.

Another, more complicated, kit that makes the list is the Drawdio. It’s not going to be the kit we would use for teaching hundreds of people in a workshop, but again, with just a few students, or even one, this makes a great choice. It’s fun, easy to put together, and the end result is entertaining. We have even hacked a few kits to make other interesting musical
instruments. You can see a video of ‘Drawdio meets Unruly’ on the Drawdio kit website.

But what is Drawdio? Drawdio is an electronic pencil that lets you create music as you draw! It’s a basic music synthesizer that leverages the conductive properties of the pencil lead and can generate musical tones based on its resistance. It’s a lot of fun to draw a piano and be able to play the notes, once you complete the circuit. It runs off a single AA battery, so no need to source a strange cell size. And if you already know how to solder, go ahead and grab this kit anyway. It’s that fun!

HackSpace rated the Drawdio kit 9/10 saying “Fun to Build, fun to draw!”!

See the review below. And see Issue 26 of HackSpace Magazine for all the details – download PDFbuy hardcopysubscribe.

See the Drawdio at

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