In early 2019 we posted up our CircuitPython 2019 post, and soon we’ll have a CircuitPython 2020 post which will have a recap of what we’ve done together as a community and where we might be going.
We’ll include a few stats in the 2020 post, and we also wanted to have a post with a BUNCH of stats as well, here we go!
Open-source libraries, about 205 (list).
Stars on GitHub, over 1,546.
Humans who joined the Discord server, over 15,618.
Posts on instagram with #circuitpython, over 1,413.
Average views on IGTV (Instagram TV) for Python on hardware per episode, over 3,800 views.
Community meetings (video/podcast, etc), over 116.
Forum posts in, over 6,972
Members of the CircuitPython Reddit community, over 700.
Products on CircuitPython related, over 2,400.
CircuitPython boards, over 94.
Boards supported, not made by Adafruit: 50 (there are more boards that are -not- made by Adafruit).
Boards supported by blinka, CircuitPython for Linux, over 34.
Number of CircuitPython guides on about 238 guides, with over 1,962 pages.
Circuitpython videos on YouTube in the search results for “circuitpython”, over 495.
CircuitPython tagged videos on YouTube, over 220.
Videos in the Python on hardware weekly video series, over 61.
# 1 video on youtube related to CircuitPython: Time to Say Goodbye to Arduino and Go On to Micropython/ Adafruit Circuitpython? over 458k views. And it’s now Andreas #1 video.
Subscribers to the python on hardware newsletter, over 6,984
Newsletters shipped in 2019 (will be 52), total so far… over 152 newsletters since November of 2016.
Blog posts on adafruit in the CircuitPython category, over 1,217.
Google Trends for CircuitPython search and for YouTube.