Happy New Year!! We like to kick off every new year with a look back at some of the highlights from the previous 365 days. For the next couple of weeks we will be counting down the top ten posts, tweets, products and more.
You can follow along here for a new Top Ten each day.
Today we are going to countdown the top blog post of 2019. These are the posts that grabbed the most attention by having the most readers.
10.) Arduino Pro IDE (alpha preview) released
9.) Photos of the first Arduino (2005)
8.) On-Board Car Diagnostics with OBD II Pi Using Raspberry Pi
7.) There Was a Very Sneaky Captain America Easter Egg in Avengers: Endgame We All Missed
6.) NASA Alcubierre Drive Initiative: Faster Than The Speed Of Light
5.) Run a macOS Mojave guest in Virtualbox on Windows or Linux
4.) Build a Car Computer with Raspberry Pi
3.) “RISC architecture is gonna change everything” …. Adafruit joins the RISC-V Foundation
2.) NEW GUIDE: Python is in the latest build of Windows 10
1.) 37 years ago today: the Commodore 64 debut at CES
Honorable mentons:
These posts just barely missed out on the top 10 but still highlight 2019
Killed by Google – The Google Graveyard & Cemetery by @codyogden @google
The Top Programming Languages 2019 – Python tops the charts with a CircuitPython nod!
The NYC subway system runs on OS/2, IBM’s old PC operating system