#CircuitPython2020 updates from the Twitterverse

Blinka in 2020

A number of folks have tweeted about #circuitpython2020. Here is a recap!

@kfury tweeted:

I’d like a means to send realtime push notifications to a wifi CircuitPython board, rather than have the board poll periodically for updates.

@SzymonJakukiak tweeted:

For the #CircuitPython2020 I would like to see support for the @sparkfun Artemis boards. I have no idea how difficult it would be to transfer work done by @adafruit to support BLE on the nRF52840, but I think that it might give Artemis product line some traction.

@n1mie tweeted:

Agreed. Thanks. I was looking through the Feather stuff last night with some ideas in mind. I was left wondering which would be the best Feather for the job. A table comparing features would be useful.

Kev emailed us for #circuitpython2020:

Implementation of atexit would be good please!


#circuitpython2020 is our annual reflection on the state of CircuitPython. We’d love to hear from you too! See the kick-off post for all of the details. Here are all of the previous posts:

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