Go on an Adventure with “AI Dungeon 2” #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #NLP #Gaming @nickwalton00
The original “AI Dungeon” logo from aidungeon.io.
Late last year Nick Waltonannounced the release of “AI Dungeon 2” for your browser! In the original “AI Dungeon” game, users were able to select storylines and choose preselected actions similar to “Choose Your Own Adventure” books. In the current iteration, “AI Dungeon 2”, the responses are freeform text and it is up to the user to drive the game. The second version utilizes OpenAI’s 1.5B parameter GPT-2 model fine-tuned on text from chooseyourstory.com. The setting, characters and starting prompt are used as a seed but it can be directed from there.
In my test run, I ended up in a never-ending fantasy loop talking to animals, being attacked by wolves and getting poisoned fairies. In the example below, I narrowly escape a wolf attack by ‘hitting wolf with staff’. It’s also possible to die quickly at the hand of a testy skeleton.
Excerpt from “AI Dungeon 2” documenting my wolf attack.
You can test the game out here. If you’d like to learn more about the model or the game design check out this blog post. If you’d like to take a look at the code you can check out the GitHub Repo or the Colab.
Written by Rebecca Minich, Product Analyst, Data Science at Google. Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.
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