Glen posts an extremely interesting retro computer project, a clone of the venerable Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 1 computer.
Released in 1977 (the year I made my own appearance), the TRS-80 Model 1 microcomputer was, for a period of time, one of the best selling, if not the best selling, personal computers for the enthusiast at home. In common with the PET 2001, a CMOS variant of the machine’s original microprocessor, even after all of these intervening years and technological progress, is still in active production and readily available.
Suffice to say, the TRS-80 was the perfect candidate for my next 8-bit retro computer clone project. At this juncture it’s worth mentioning that, just as per my PET 2001 project, this clone is a functional replica of the original computer in the traditional hardware sense. It’s not an FPGA port or an emulator running on a Raspberry Pi and nor is it a part-for-part duplication of the original circuitry, but a complete ground-up redesign using contemporary discrete CMOS logic and memory devices, with some additional features thrown in for good measure. At the time of writing every component used in this project is a current-production part.
See the web post, the video below, and a thorough write-up with all the details. Even the ROMs are available. Retrotacular!
Ah, a computer after my own heart–cut my teeth on this bad boy, poking Z80 assembly into string space. This is a thing of beauty. Do the Model 100 next, one of my favorite machines of all time.