Raspberry Pi Serves Up 24/7 Simpsons Channel #Simpsons #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

If you want to make your own all Simpson all the time channel check out this project!

Shared by probnot’s Tech on YouTube, Picked up by Hackaday:

Commercial-free video on demand was every couch potato’s dream for decades, and now we’ve got it. But nostalgia has a funny way of making some folks miss the old days, even if we know it’s technically be a step backwards. Wanting to recreate the TV watching experience circa 1998, [probnot] has come up with a way to run his very own television channel.

With the Raspberry Pi and a digital modulator, he’s got the only house on the block that’s wired to show The Simpsons all day. He has absolutely no control over which episode plays next, he can’t pause it, and its in presented in standard definition (a nightmare for anyone who grew up in the Netflix era) but a familiar viewing experience for the rest of us.

Learn more!

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