We’ve got so much happening here at Adafruit that it’s not always easy to keep up! Don’t fret, we’ve got you covered. Each week we’ll be posting a handy round-up of what we’ve been up to, ranging from learn guides to blog articles, videos, and more.
Some stats @adafruit #IoT, our IoT service for engineers, makers, hackers, and more has 308,729 total users, however! Here are the most recent stats from the last 30 days which is a pretty good picture!
Check out the full post here!
More BLOG:
Keeping with tradition, we covered quite a bit this past week. Here’s a kinda short nearing medium length list of highlights:
- PT also shared some Adafruit app stats
- Gareth explored the Spongy Properties of Foaming PLA
- Adafruit and Digi-Key celebrated Engineers Week
- Ben shared Neal Agarwal’s Printing Money
- Zay covered Smooth Technology and Wearables
- This week we shared the stories of Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner, Alice Ball, Charlotte E. Ray and Daisy Gatson Bates
- We also celebrated Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day!
- Becca covered video-driven speech reconstruction with GANs
How to use the Puppet Module in the Bluefruit Playground App
Play with Virtual Puppets! Using the puppet module in the Bluefruit Playground App, you can create the coolest virtual puppet show ever. Learn how to control the puppet, add a green screen, then record your performance.
See the full guide here!
- CLUE case
- How to Fuse Motion Sensor Data into AHRS Orientation (Euler/Quaternions)
- CircuitPython Powered Sip & Puff with ST LPS33HW Pressure Sensor
Browse all that’s new in the Adafruit Learning System here!