Thank you Novolex – The plastic to make more face shields has arrived! @Novolex @MakeitLabs @NYCmakesPPE #MakersHelpingNYC #NewYorkStrong #NewYorkTough


Thank you Novolex for the plastic donation so our team at Adafruit as well as teams in NYC can continue manufacturing face shields for the NYC area and beyond. The plastic that is needed for the face shield became nearly impossible to source, Novolex’s high quality plastic is here, and we’re able to resume production as well as other groups.

From everyone at Adafruit, and the NYC region, thank you Novolex.

“Novolex is privileged to donate the plastic sheet desperately needed for the production of face shields to protect healthcare and other first responders as they tackle the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Novolex Vice President of Public Affairs, Phil Rozenski. “Individual face shields will be cut from up to one ton rolls of transparent polyethylene produced at Novolex manufacturing centers and affixed onto head harnesses at assembly points across the country. Our 10,000 employee families are thrilled to be part of this effort.”

Who is Novolex?

Novolex™ is one of North America’s leaders in packaging choice and sustainability; serving retail, grocery, food service, hospitality, institutional and industrial markets. Novolex’s™ packaging brands are leaders in the markets they serve due to their innovation, diversity of products, and dedication to sustainability and quality embraced by the nearly 10,000 Novolex™ families. With the acquisition of Zenith Specialty Bags, now part of Bagcraft, Novolex has 61 locations worldwide, including two world class plastic recycling facilities.

The family of historic Novolex™ brands includes Hilex Poly®, Duro Bag®, Bagcraft® Packaging,  De Luxe®Packaging, General Packaging® Products, International Converter®, Shields™, Heritage Bag® , Burrows Packaging™ , Waddington North America™ , Polar Pak™ , Waddington Europe™ , and Eco Products®. Each of the Novolex™ brands brings a unique sustainability and product story in plastic, paper, foil, recycling, or composting applications. The Novolex™ brands are unified by four common values: Manufacturing Innovation and Quality, Service, Packaging Choice, and Sustainability. 

Novolex™ focuses on customers within the retail, grocery, convenience store, deli, food service, hospitality, institutional, processor and industrial markets. The Novolex™ product portfolio and our engineered solutions are designed to meet customer packaging application needs in the areas of food contact, customer experience, resale items, checkout systems, can liners and packaging operations. 



Read more, thank them on Twitter.

Thank you everyone who helped with the behind the scenes efforts, MakeItLabs, NYCMakesPPE, and also Uber Freight – they delivered on time and are providing a discount for services.


If you would like to help Adafruit fight COVID-19 in the NYC region, email: [email protected] and visit for more information.

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