Facebook Small Business Grants Program $100M in cash grants (thank you and a request, expand it) … @facebook @fbnewsroom @finkd @sherylsandberg #facebook


Facebook Small Business Grants Program $100M in cash grants

We know that your business may be experiencing disruptions resulting from the global outbreak of COVID-19. We’ve heard that a little financial support can go a long way, so we are offering $100M in cash grants and ad credits to help during this challenging time.

  • Keep your workforce going strong
  • Help with your rent costs
  • Connect with more customers
  • Cover operational costs

Up to 30,000 eligible small businesses in more than 30 countries where we operate will be able to receive the grant.

Thank you Facebook for doing this, with the Payroll Protection Program funds running out, this will help many businesses. Please consider expanding it to other tiers besides “between 2 and 50 employees” … many of the small businesses that really utilize Facebook ads and business services are 100 or less, or 150 or less.


Adafruit is over 50 employees (not eligible as per Facebook), and spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on Facebook ads, even credits going forward for businesses like ours would help as many businesses start a recovery return to work (we are operating an essential business making face shields and electronics, and have stopped all Facebook and Google ads).

Expanding the $100M in cash grants to more small businesses with 100 to 150 employees will help preserve jobs and their local communities.

Additionally, if there were specific grant programs for minority owned businesses and woman-owned businesses that would further help.

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