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IoT Projects
PyPortal Quarantine Clock
Do you know what day it is? Perhaps you’re finding yourself losing track of time and your routine is suffering. The PyPortal Quarantine Clock has got you covered! It only displays the essential “stay-at-home” information – the current day and a rough estimate of the time. – Adafruit
Smart Video Intercom System
This Raspberry Pi-powered hardware notifies you when guests arrive and lets you talk to them on your phone through internet calls. – Hackster
NerfOrNothing: Instrumenting a NERF Football
Timothy Kanarsky and his team “cut a Nerf football in half, stuck a WiFi-enabled microcontroller and some accelerometers inside, and wrote some inertial-navigation code to track throw distance and spin rate.” – HackaDay.io
Simple Home Alarm System
Need an alarm system for your home? Build one using only two components: an ESP32 and a 433MHz RF receiver. If you want to adapt this project to a different sensor – there’s lots of different sensor types and devices operating on the 433MHz frequency available on the internet – GitHub.
Add Coverage to your IoT Project with a Satellite Modem
Who’s got the best coverage map? Anyone using the Iridium satellite constellation, that’s who. How does whole Earth coverage sound? This guide shows you how to setup and use the Rock Seven RockBLOCK 9603 Iridium Satellite Modem. This hardware is tied to service that is also provided by Rock Seven. – Adafruit
Reverse Engineering a Ceiling Fan Remote
Reverse engineering a ceiling fan remote for home automation. – HackaDay
Wearable Continuous Temperature Monitor
Hands-free temperature monitoring means you can sleep soundly. Data is sent to an Adafruit IO account for long-term storage and visualization. Use Adafruit IO Triggers to be notified by email when the temperature increases past a set threshold. – Adafruit
Connected Weather Cloud Lamp
This is a fun project that plays with how to visualize information using only light and sound. What better way to have some fun with this than to make an Internet connected cloud that connects to an open source weather API? – Adafruit
Apollo Pi Thermal Camera
OldTechNewSpec repurposed a vintage Apollo microwave detector from 1979 as a thermal camera. It’s powered by a Raspberry Pi Zero with an AMG8233 thermal camera breakout, displaying the temperature on a 1.3″ TFT display. – Instructables
IoT News and More!
Behind the scenes of fighting coronavirus using GPUs
Gamers are using their high-performance GPUs to participate in Folding@Home, helping to understand proteins interactions of SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. – HackaDay
Stay Smarter than Your Smart Speaker
Working at home on confidential projects? Your speaker may be spying on you. Kristina Panos outlines “the best practices of confidential work in earshot of these audio-triggered gadgets?”. – HackaDay
83 Billion IoT Connections by 2024
A new study from Juniper Research found that the total number of IoT connections will reach 83 billion by 2024, rising from 35 billion connections in 2020. – Juniper Research
Solid, a New Approach to the Web by Sir Tim Berners-Lee
Solid is a new approach to decentralizing the Internet, led by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. – Solid
Demand for Sharp’s Face Masks Crash Servers and Air Conditioners
Sharp’s online store server went down, taking smart gadgets including air conditioners with it. – The Verge
New ESP32 AI Development Board, ESP32-Korvo
ESP32-Korvo is Espressif’s new AI development board. Equipped with a multi-microphone array, it can achieve high performance, spoken-command recognition and far-field voice wake-up. – EspressIf
Are Insect Brains Better for Neural Computing than Human Brains?
We model existing neural networks based on human brains to replicate human intelligence. Tasks like navigation for driverless cars and drones have researchers wondering if they should focus on insect brains instead. – NetworkWorld
The Advantage of LPWAN Chirp Technology
Chirps are great for low power wide area networks (LPWAN) because they occupy a single dimension. Semtech’s Oliver Seller takes us through what chirps are and why they’re useful for LoRa-based signal modulation.
Adafruit IO Stats and more!
Adafruit IO has 323,646 total users! Here are the interesting stats from the last 30 days:
- USERS ACTIVE (30 days): 13,553
- TOTAL FEEDS: 495,048
- FEEDS CREATED (last 30 days): 14,281
- There are about 4,200+ MQTT connections active 24/7.
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