John Lewis: Good Trouble – is the chronicle of the life of the legendary civil rights activist and Democratic Representative from Georgia. Thousands of protests. 45 arrests. 33 years in Congress. Sometimes change calls for a little trouble. In theaters and on demand 7/3. As a team we’ve all gone out to the movies before at Adafruit, that’s not possible at this time, so we’re going to watch on demand, and you can watch on demand too with Adafruit! Check out the trailer here – YouTube.
Adafruit is purchasing over 100+ on-demand tickets for our team to watch on demand 7/3. Why are we doing that? Magnolia pictures joined with Adafruit and HUNDREDS of companies for the Stop Hate for Profit campaign. That means Magnolia, like Adafruit, is not advertising on Facebook. Businesses are standing in solidarity for our most deeply held American values of freedom, equality and justice, and we are not advertising on Facebook in July. But it does not end there, we’re going to help and work with companies that are not advertising on Facebook and show it’s possible to succeed without Facebook.
Using interviews and rare archival footage, JOHN LEWIS: GOOD TROUBLE chronicles Lewis’ 60-plus years of social activism and legislative action on civil rights, voting rights, gun control, health-care reform and immigration. Using present-day interviews with Lewis, now 80 years old, Porter explores his childhood experiences, his inspiring family and his fateful meeting with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1957. In addition to her interviews with Lewis and his family, Porter’s primarily cinéma verité film also includes interviews with political leaders, Congressional colleagues, and other people who figure prominently in his life.
Adafruit contacted the Magnolia Pictures team and asked what we could do to help, so far we’re purchasing 100+ on-demand tickets for our entire team and we’re going to get the word out on our platforms about the movie John Lewis: Good Trouble. The official film website will list all platforms on which the film is available to rent at home starting on July 3rd –
Want to help? Let’s do this!
Sample Message for Social Media
Thousands of protests. 45 arrests. 33 years in Congress. Sometimes change calls for a little trouble. John Lewis: Good Trouble comes to theaters and on demand July 3rd. #JohnLewisIsGoodTrouble
Film Hashtags
#JohnLewisIsGoodTrouble #GoodTrouble #JohnLewis
Film Handles
@JohnLewisDoc on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook 🙂
“ … when you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, say something, do something. Get in trouble, good trouble, necessary trouble” – John Lewis
For a list of actions and more check out: from our team.