Happy Almost 4th!! Shipping reminder and Pi Based Fireworks #Shipping #Orders #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

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We hope everyone is getting ready for a long, safe, weekend. Don’t forget that today is an official holiday!

In observance of Independence Day there will be no pickups from our shipping carriers on Friday July 3. After Thursday July 2 the next pickup will be Monday July 6.

Learn more shipping details here!

If you are excited about the pyrotechnic side of the holiday, checkout this project picked up by Hackaday. It is a Raspberry Pi Fireworks Control System. I would categorize this as an appreciate but don’t attempt project:

[netmagi] claims his yearly display is a modest affair, but this controller can address 24 channels, which would be a pretty big show in any neighborhood. Living inside an old wine box is a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and three 8-channel relay boards. Half of the relays are connected directly to breakouts on the end of a long wire that connect to the electric matches used to trigger the fireworks, while the rest of the contacts are connected to a wireless controller. The front panel sports a key switch for safety and a retro analog meter for keeping tabs on the sealed lead-acid battery that powers everything. [netmagi] even set the Pi up with WiFi so he can trigger the show from his phone, letting him watch the wonder unfold overhead. A few test shots are shown in the video below.

Learn more!

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