Making an Election Day app with SwiftUI #iOS #Swift #SwiftUI

Since Election Day is approaching, I’ve decided to create an “Election Day” app using SwiftUI that was part of this week’s Show and Tell. When I began working on this app, I had a clear idea of what should be in it.

  1. Add a timer label that counts down from the current time to November 3rd (Election Day)
  2. Add a web link to voter information sites
  3. Gather location information so that depending on the users location, it can reflect the correct voter information based on location

This is how it turned out.


Pretty simple. But there are a few things wrong with this app. The first I thing should do is change the background color to a more neutral color (since colors can be associated with certain political parties). Another thing would be the amount of unused space…but I also need to fill those spaces with useful information.

So, after thinking my approach to this app over, I’ve decided to create a banner with a label that shows the users the amount of days that are leading up to the election, the presidential parties and candidates, and lastly section the information using custom card views. This is how it turned out.

This was good start. There’s still still some user interface kinks to work out, but this is looking pretty good so far! I’ll be back next week with an update and a link to this on Github.

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