NEW PRODUCT – NeoPixel Side-Light RGB LED w/ Integrated Driver Chip – 10-pack – SK6812B 4020

4691 iso kit ORIG 2020 08

NEW PRODUCT – NeoPixel Side-Light RGB LED w/ Integrated Driver Chip – 10-pack – SK6812B 4020

Make your own smart LED arrangement with the same fancy side light integrated LED that is used in our HalloWing M4, and side-emitting NeoPixel strip and pixels. These bare LEDs are a great alternative for folks who have loved and used Adafruit NeoPixel strips for a few years but want gorgeous, glowy light emitting at 90 degrees. This small 4020 (4mm x 2mm) RGB LED is fairly easy to solder and is the most compact way possible to integrate multiple bright LEDs to a design. The driver chip is inside the LED and has ~18mA constant current drive so the color will be very consistent even if the voltage varies, and no external resistors are required making your design minimal. Power the whole thing with 5VDC and you’re ready to rock.


This is a 4 pin LED chip version that is code-compatible and the same functionality as any other NeoPixels.  The LEDs are ‘chainable’ by connecting the output of one chip into the input of another – see the datasheet for diagrams and pinouts. Our wonderfully-written NeoPixel library for Arduino supports these pixels! As it requires hand-tuned assembly it is only for AVR cores but others may have ported this chip driver code so please google around. An 8MHz or faster processor is required.

There are three LEDs inside, red green and blue. The RGB LEDs are controlled by a tiny chip that takes a 24-bit color level via the clock and data in and then does all the PWM control for you. So you just ‘set’ the color data once. Like any NeoPixels you can chain them together, the output of one leading into the input of another for near-infinitely long strips.

4691 macro detail ORIG 2020 08

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4691 quarter ORIG 2020 08

Comes in a strip of 10 pieces. If you order more than one strip, it will come as multiple strips of 10, not one long strip.

Please note this is a surface mount part! It is possible to solder thin wires to the pads but it’s designed for use on an SMD PCB. If you are not comfortable with hand-soldering SMD parts, check out our other RGB LEDs such as the thru-hole ones or in pixels/strips.

Our detailed NeoPixel Uberguide has everything you need to use NeoPixels in any shape and size. Including ready-to-go library & example code for the Arduino UNO/Duemilanove/Diecimila, Flora/Micro/Leonardo, Trinket/Gemma, Arduino Due & Arduino Mega/ADK (all versions)

4691 lit demo ORIG 2020 08

In stock and shipping now!

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