Lorrain shared this project with us! Lorrain says:
Follow Lorraine’s journey as she creates a speech to text scrolling facemask.
Starting with a Raspberry Pi, APIs then moving onto a PC paid for service for her element14 build:
Lorraine continued to work on the project. She finally settled on an ESP32 inside a face mask with a flexible 16×8 RGB LED Matrix powered by a lipo battery. The ESP32 is paired over Bluetooth to an Android phone that transcribes the speech. The phone transcription is surprisingly accurate and fast. It can even translate what you’re saying! You speak in English and your face mask scrolls it in French.
This video was shared by element14presents
Even with the best of hearing, it can be difficult to understand what someone wearing a face mask is saying. Many people who are hard of hearing rely on using lip reading to understand what everyone is saying. With everyone wearing face masks, that amazing skill has been taken away. This project aims to help us all wear masks, look cool and understand each other more. A light up grid will be hidden inside your mask, and using a microphone your every word will be transcribed and scrolled across your face mask Lorraine will show you how to code an LED speech-to-text mask using a raspberry pi. This project has lots of potential to become a real life object, used in everyday life.
Check out Lorraine’s YouTube channel for lots of demos of the FaceMask
Or follow her on Twitter for more cool making projects @LMcUnderwood twitter.com/lmcunderwood
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