Inspired by a Raspberry Pi robot made from purely salvaged materials, Nandu Vadakkath has made a robot companion for these times. The robot can follow Nandu around, recognize speech, and get to know Nandu’s friends. Here’s more from Robot Companion:
The global pandemic changed a lot of things. We are more polite now perhaps and more patient. We value things a little more; things like toilet paper. Maybe we don’t take things for granted as much. Why did I write that as an introduction to making a robot? Well, because in more than one way, it was the pandemic that brought about its creation. One morning, during the early days of the Corona virus, when one followed the news maybe a bit too eagerly, I read of a young man in Tamil Nadu who had made a line-following robot (literally) that could wait patiently and purchase his beer for him. All from parts he had lying around, salvaged. ( I am, as Rimbaud said: ‘An exiled inventor more merited than all who have preceded me’. Thank you Rimbaud. I love you to death. You too are responsible for Robot. In some subtle indecipherable way. Time will tell. )
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