Eye of Sauron @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Here’s a project from the heart of Mordor, inspired by one of the tutorials in the Adafruit Learning System. If you’d like to look out on all of Middle Earth, this is for you. Here’s more via hackster.io:

Aside from historical flashbacks, Sauron never has a humanoid form in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Instead, he is represented by the Great Eye atop a tower. The Eye of Sauron seems to see all, which makes it more intimidating that a traditional antagonist. In the movies, the eye was created with good ol’ fashioned CGI. But Mike Christian managed to create a convincing replica in real life, and it made the perfect Halloween decoration for this year’s festivities.

Christian is quick to point out that his Eye of Sauron build was heavily influenced by Phillip Burgess’ fantastic Animated Snake Eyes Bonnet for Raspberry Pi tutorial on Adafruit. Fletcher’s project takes the idea of an animated eye, and scales it up dramatically. The eye itself is displayed on a Gakken World Eye, which is a specialty projector that shows graphics on a hemispherical screen. It’s a very cool and unusual display, and is perfect for representing an eye.

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