#AdafruitLearnSystem Weekly Update

Since my last update, there were 8 new guides published to the Adafruit Learning System. There are now a total of 2,356 tutorials on ALS! This week we published a couple new MagTag projects, a neat guide that helps you meet your exercise goals, how to make the most high-tech tip jar ever, and more!

Favorite New Guide

This week my favorite new guide takes your aquarium to the next level with NeoPixels.

Decorate your aquarium with NeoPixels. Add a high density strip of lights above the water for a beautiful overall colored glow, with subtle color shifts and changes. Cycle between color modes to suit your mood, the time of day, or to signal feeding time.

ALS Deep Cut

With so many guides on the Adafruit Learning System, some amazing guides of years past get buried and lost. ALS Deep Cuts brings these guides back up to the surface.

This weeks ALS Deep Cut was published back in September of 2013!

Here’s a project to dazzle onlookers at Halloween parties, cosplay conventions, raves or at Burning Man. These full-color animated LED goggles attract a LOT of attention!

Featured Author: Dylan Herrada


Dylan had a busy seek on the Adafruit Learning System, and published 3 new guides! Learn how to contribute to Adafruit’s Arduino libraries, submit an open-source project to OSHWA, and how to use Visual Studio Code on the Raspberry Pi.

Be sure to check out Dylan’s other guides here!

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