We got a #circuitpython2021 email from Graham. Here it is. Posted with permission.
I would like to see a high end processor, such as a larger M7, with larger
on-board memory that would be a step above the introduction level processors,
to provide a growth path out of the LED blinkie world. I would like to have
an Adafruit CircuitPython processor for some long term projects such as
monitoring many things, or logging multiple things, for weeks or months without restarting. I would rather spend my time fighting the problem at hand, rather
than the limitations of small memories on small processors.Finish and deliver on one (or more) of the M7 processors that have been started.
Dual precision float: time_monotonic() is a time bomb waiting to go off.
The suggested time_monotonic_ns() replacement is too fine, and using
the unlimited length integers to work with it, is too slow. Maybe this can only
be fixed on high power processors like the M7. A double precision float sounds
like a possible solution, but might be restricted to the higher end processors.Threading, or at a minimum, a foreground/real-time-background processing
environment. Any of the multiple proposals would be an improvement.I would challenge Adafruit with a business question: You are doing a great job
with your current mission of introducing and training beginners in electronic
and digital technologies. Then what? Do you want to be part of the next upward
step after that?
In case you missed it (ICYMI), Dan and Melissa posted their #CircuitPython2021 thoughts on the Adafruit Blog yesterday:
#circuitpython2021 is our annual reflection on the state of CircuitPython. We’d love to hear from you too! See the kick-off post for all of the details. Here are all of the previous posts:
- #CircuitPython2021 from Dan and Sam on the forum
- CircuitPython in 2021 from @deshipu
- Three ideas from @askpatrickw. Each in a gist: secrets, camera and package management.
- #circuitpython2021 thoughts from BennyE
- Foamyguy #circuitpython2021
- Industrial Controller with CircuitPython from Awestruck
- Tweet from @ChadLawson
- Thank you…#CircuitPython2021 from mcgrun
- Hugo Dahl’s thoughts on #CircuitPython2021
- Jeff’s (@jepler) thoughts on #CircuitPython2021
- Bryan’s thoughts on #CircuitPython2021
- #circuitpython2020 wrap-up post
- #circuitpython2019 wrap-up post