There was a time when many in the world heard the game title “Euro Truck Simulator” and scoffed. Many others even spoke words, words like “Oh that’s silly” and “Why would anyone want to play a game where you just drive a truck around?” and others even said words like “How stupid, how very stupid.” But that was in the before-time. Those of us now living in the 14h month of 2020 know better. Any way to feel like we’ve been somewhere, traveling in any way, can give us a kind of relief that no amount of the pew-pewing or sword-wielding or cyberpunking from other games can provide.
And now you can ride the long European roads in an analogue kinda way with Raspberry Pi. Here’s more from Raspberry Pi Pod:
Spencer Organ is, as he puts it, “a big fan of both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck simulator”. He found out about an API that comes with ETS2 that allows you to tap into the game and both control the trucks and get live telemetry from them.
He has built a desktop-sized control panel with buttons and switches to control trucks in the simulator and then get the telemetry read-outs on both a 7-segment display board and an Adafruit Clue. The controller is tied together with a Raspberry Pi Zero and uses almost all of the GPIOs of both the Pi and the Clue to make it work, read button presses and display lots of indicator lights!
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