Volcanos May Have Erupted on Mars As Recently as 50,000 Years Ago #SpaceSaturday

Recently, astronomers have discovered what seems to be traces of recent volcanic eruption on mars. Recent, of course, on a planetary timescale, which in this case means about 50,000 years. Here’s more from SlashGear:

The study looked specifically at a spot on the Elysium Planitia region of the Red Planet, specifically looking at what the scientists call “a mysterious dark deposit, covering an area slightly larger than Washington DC.” The deposit appears to be a very fine layer of ash and rock along a long fissure, which is seen roughly in the center of the image above.

Scientists on the project used data and imagery collected by various spacecraft on and orbiting Mars to support the idea of volcanic origin for the feature. There are numerous questions about how the feature was created. The team believes that a deeper magmatic source would likely be required to have created an eruption of this type.

Learn more!

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