Hosaka Mark 1 Cyberdeck straight out of Neuromancer #RaspberryPi #3dPrinting
The technology Gibson describes in the novel Neuromancer appeals as much today as yesteryear. But in contrast to 1984, it is nowadays easy to build a fully functional computer, just think of the Raspberry Pi single board computers. That’s the reason why you see more and more cyberdecks today, like Gibson described them or like you would imagine the cyberdecks in his novels.
The Sprawl has built their own Hosaka Mark 1 “Sprawl Edition Cyberdeck:
To be honest, very few of them look the way I imagine them to look. Even my own cyberdeck, the Hosaka Mark 1 “Sprawl Edition” doesn’t look like the portable computers the console cowboys use to enter the cyberspace. But, most importantly, all those cyberdecks could be part of the novels of William Gibson. The devices get their souls from the novels; extracted from Neuromancer, transmitted by their creators.
When the strap of my cyberdeck lies casually on my shoulder and the deck dangles from my hips as I walk, it is my way of satisfying the longing for the future as Gibson describes it – even if it’s a dystopia. Now it’s up to me where I let myself drift, Night City, the Sprawl or maybe for an upgrade to Chiba City …
See the build, the 3D parts, BOM and more on the site here.
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