12 Bars and Restaurants With Music on the Menu

Okay so I’ve only been to one of the twelve places included on this list (Marie’s Crisis, which is super close to Adafruit HQ in NYC). However, I feel like the best part about this list is it’s making me think of the so many different music/food joint combos that are missing from it (I can think of about 10 I’ve visited in just Ireland alone – Hairy Lemon Pub in Dublin, Tigh Coili in Galway, and at least a handful in Harlem – Silvana is a personal fave, and that’s just off the top of my head). Anyway, if you love listening to live music while you grab a bite, check out this fun post from Atlas Obscura Lists.

But sometimes, music at restaurants is more than cover for loud conversations and chewing. At these restaurants and bars, the music is the point, whether that means making a stop at Organ Stop Pizza for a slice and some organ music, or toasting the geriatric jazz maestros at the Peace Hotel in Shanghai. These 12 joints make up a global symphony of melodic machines, jazz in every venue imaginable, and a whole lot of Broadway balladeers. All that, and a side of fries.

Read more.

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