Opening GitHub repositories in Visual Studio Code @code @github

The Microsoft Visual Studio Code team released a wonderful new extension June 10th:

We’re excited to present the new Remote Repositories extension for Visual Studio Code! This is a new experience that we’ve been building in partnership with our friends at GitHub to enable working with source code repositories quickly and safely inside VS Code.

VS Code has offered integrated support for Git from the very beginning, and supports many other source control management (SCM) providers through extensions. This allows developers to clone and work with repositories directly within VS Code.

However, a large part of what developers do every day involves reading other people’s code: reviewing pull requests, browsing open-source repositories, experimenting with new technologies or projects, inspecting upstream dependencies to debug applications, etc. What all of these have in common is that as a first step, one usually clones the repository locally and then opens the code in their favorite code editor. Yet, cloning a repository takes time, may lead to reviewing an outdated version of the repo if you forget to pull, and can sometimes be a security risk if you’re unfamiliar with the code.

The new Remote Repositories extension, published by GitHub, makes the experience of opening source code repositories in VS Code instant and safe. With this, you can quickly browse, search, edit, and commit to any remote GitHub repository (and soon, Azure Repos) directly from within VS Code, no clone necessary!

You can work on as many repos as you like without having to save any source code on your machine. Remote Repositories saves you time and local disk space and empowers you to stay entirely within VS Code for all your source control tasks.

See the video below and read all about this new capability in the blog post here.

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