James Gallagher posts about a handy project using a Raspberry Pi and an Adafruit Thermal Printer:
A few days ago, I decided to purchase the Adafruit Thermal Printer, which was compatible with the Raspberry Pi. This thermal printer has been on my mind for a while but this week a reason for buying one came to mind (aside from the fun of experimenting with a thermal printer which was obvious to me). I decided that I wanted to generate a random Aeropress recipe that I could then print.
James branches out on what the printer does in subsequent posts:
I want to create a daily update for myself that is printed out. My goal is for this update to be printed out every day before I wake up, perhaps at 6am. The update will be scheduled using cron, which will run a specific program at 6am or whenever I decide the update should be printed. The code for the printer will be kept on my Raspberry Pi so that I can have my printer running 24/7.
The logic for the new RSS module is as follows:
- Print message informing me the next section of the daily update will show my RSS feeds.
- Get articles in my main feed from Feedly.
- Iterate over each article and check if it was published yesterday.
- If an article was published yesterday, the title and URL of the article should be printed to the console.
- Otherwise, nothing should happen.
Check out the details in the blog post starting with this one here.