Texas Instruments Education has developed a timeline of calculator innovation, starting in 1967 and ending today in their TI-84 Plus CE Python graphing calculator which contains a fork of CircuitPython. Here’s the first and last entries:
See the entire timeline on the Texas Instruments site.
Read other posts on Python and calculators:
- Adafruit Interviews Texas Instruments Education about Python on Calculators and more! @TICalculators #TICodes
- Python snakes its way to the TI-84 Plus CE Python Graphing Calculator by Texas Instruments runs CircuitPython! @TICalculators
- TI-84 Plus CE-T Python edition includes fork of CircuitPython – in hand!
- Use CircuitPython boards on the TI-83 Premium CE calculator! @tiplanetnews @TICalculators @circuitpython #circuitpython
- “TI-Planet – TI-Python: import sys reveals Adafruit CircuitPython on TI-83 Premium CE calculator” @tiplanetnews @TICalculators @circuitpython #circuitpython
- Python snakes its way to the CASIO Graphing fx-CG50 PRIZM calculator @casioeducate @CASIOJapan @micropython #micropython
- Adafruit interviews Numworks – Python Programmable calculator #micropython
- NumWorks a Python calculator @numworks @micropython
- The Evolution of the Texas Instrument Graphing Calculator
- 128 Vintage, old school calculators