Hacking a standing desk with a Raspberry Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi @Raspberry_Pi @davidkongfilm

David Kong writes in Medium “How I Hacked My Standing Desk With a Raspberry Pi”

Like many office workers today, I have a motorized sit-stand desk at work. (I built my own mechanical sit-stand desk at home, but that’s another story)

I found it strangely hard to build a habit of standing. I even tried setting reminders on my phone to stand up, but even then, it was too easy to ignore, and too easy to say “I’m tired right now. I’ll stand in a few minutes.”

So I decided to see if there were some way to automate my desk so that it would rise up on a schedule, whether I felt like standing or not.

The design uses a relay, 555 timer, and a Raspberry Pi Zero, ordered from Adafruit along with a case and MicroSD card with Raspbian on it.


It’s been running flawlessly for a few months now, and I haven’t had any need at all to tweak it. The random 45–60 interval turned out to be great for me, and I’m now spending a lot more of my day standing, which has a great impact on my back pain.

Read more about this build here.

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