A Python script to show number of Github repos using “Main” branch #Python

code snippet

Here is a Python script to show the number of main repositories on Github. The script takes the top 1000 repositories on Github based on how many stars they have and shows how many main, master and other branch types there are.

Many communities have or are moving to main for their repos, Adafruit is not the only organization in the open-source ecosystem making these changes and updates, we hope this script helps see the progress.

IEEE December 2020: IEEE SA Standards Board Resolutions
“IEEE standards (including recommended practices and guides) shall be written in such a way as to unambiguously communicate the technical necessities, preferences, and options of the standard to best enable market adoption, conformity assessment, interoperability, and other technical aspirations of the developing standards committee. IEEE standards should be written in such a way as to avoid non-inclusive and insensitive terminology (see IEEE Policy 9.27) and other deprecated terminology (see clause 10 of the IEEE SA Style Manual) except when required by safety, legal, regulatory, and other similar considerations. Terms such as master/slave, blacklist, and whitelist should be avoided.”

Check out the script below:

import time
import requests
import collections

import time
import requests
import collections
def onek():
    for page in range(10):
        srch = requests.get(f'https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=stars%3A>1000&per_page=100&page={page}&s=stars')
        j = srch.json()
        if 'items' in j:
            yield from j['items']
            print(page, j, srch.headers)
        if srch.headers['X-RateLimit-Remaining'] == 1:
            time.sleep(srch.headers['X-RateLimit-Remaining'] - time.time() + 3)
c = collections.Counter(item['default_branch'] for item in onek())

As of Thursday, August 19th at 10:45 am EST, there are 15% of top starred repos on Github using main and ~75% using master.

[('master', 747), ('main', 150), ('develop', 28), ('dev', 22), ('next', 8), ('canary', 3), ('8.x', 3), ('devel', 3), ('gh-pages', 3), ('trunk', 3)]

The other 10% are from other branch types


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