Teenage Engineering computer-1 Case

The designers at Teenage Engineering have announced their entry in the computer case market, which they are calling the computer-1.

This assemble-it-yourself case — made of sheets of 1mm aluminum in an attention-getting orange powder-coat — is designed around the mini-ITX form factor. You supply all the PC components, then bend and screw together the case parts, and assemble.

Swedish design firm Teenage Engineering is probably best known for their OP-1 synthesizer and Pocket Operator series of handheld music gadgets, as well as their collaboration with IKEA for the frekvens line of living room party lights/speakers. So, why did TE build a computer case? Well, they didn’t rush into the endeavor — they’ve been building computer cases for their own internal use since 2014, as seen is this evolutionary photo because they didn’t like any of the commercial offerings available.

I haven’t built a mini-ITX PC in many years, so I’m a bit out of the loop, but I’ll be very curious to hear reviews of it by people in the know once it’s released.

No word on release date, price is $195.

Teenage Engineering computer-1

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