Holiday Specials – 2600 Magazine –
Honestly, we didn’t think we’d be able to pull it off this year with the many challenges we’ve been facing. But some encouragement and determination was what we needed, and so we are pleased to be able to offer a range of holiday items for your enjoyment this year.
To get to them, just follow this link.
Between supply chain issues and the post office promising to slow things down during the holiday season, we can’t guarantee everything will arrive in time. But we promise to do our very best.
Expect more big news on a number of fronts in the days and weeks ahead. Stay safe.
Check out the sales and more (past issues of 2600 have articles by Ladyada and myself .. CITIZEN ENGINEER).
What are “Maker Deals” ? These are companies and people that do electronics, art, engineering, or just something interesting our team wants to spotlight using our Adafruit megaphone – these are not sponsored in any way, we do these each year and yah – some people will point out or dunk on us that we’re promoting our “competitors” but we do not see it that way. Post yours on social with #makerdeals or email’em to [email protected] , we’ll be posting all weekend through Monday. See last year’s “Welcome to #ADADEALS 2020 sales and more from maker companies that are NOT Adafruit” too … On Tuesday we’ll have our GivingTuesday stuff on the blog and socials.
Here are the 2021 #makerdeals so far!