Recreating the Gom Jabbar box from Dune with Raspberry Pi and Python #RaspberryPi #Python #Dune @instructables

A demo of Michael D’Argenio’s re-creation of the Gom Jabbar scenes from Dune using a Raspberry Pi Zero programmed in Python.

In this pivotal scene, the Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam tests Paul Atreides. The Gom Jabbar is the name for the handheld needle tipped with meta-cyanide poison. When driven into a victim, it brings almost instantaneous death. The Gom Jabbar test was used to determine whether an individual’s awareness was stronger than their animal instincts. If their awareness of the Gom Jabbar’s presence was strong enough, it would override their instincts to withdraw from the immense pain of the test.

In this project, I created a Python script that uses gpiozero to interface with an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor to detect the presence of a hand and a servo to actuate the Gom Jabbar. Multiple processes are used: one for playing the audio and the other to constantly check the ultrasonic sensor to see whether the hand has been removed from the box and actuate the servo motor with the pin.

See the video below and more on GitHub and Instructables

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