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IoT Projects
Automating a Morning Coffee Routine
Petertree built a coffee maker which is “2x more expensive and messy than the one you can get on Amazon”. – Hackster
Putting a WiFi Router into an iPhone Wall Charger
Ryan Walker is building a “purpose-built router to be used in network attacks and exploits” which fits inside the casing of a standard iPhone wall charger –MachineHum.Medium.com
How to Get an AWS IoT Project Quickly Off the Ground
Demonstrating a model-based AWS IoT development for IoT development using state machines. – EmbeddedArtistry
Integrating a Plant Watering Project into an Existing Home Automation System
Sasa details their experience integrating a watering system into a scratch-built home automation system. – HackADay
Extracting Data from a Smart Scale
Kevin Norman extracted his data from a WiFi scale’s mobile app using optical character recognition (OCR) – HackADay
Pogo Pin Lock and Key with MQTT
Cheats built “a kind of lock and key that acts sorta like a USB hardware token”. Once the key is placed into the “lock”, an MQTT message is sent from the ESP8266 to perform an “unlock” action on the internet. – Hackster
Connecting a Robot Cat to the Internet
Charlyn Gonda developed a LinkedIn Learning IoT course for beginners which teaches “how to use CircuitPython—a version of Python specifically for microcontrollers—to program a robot cat that reacts to events while connected to the internet.” – LinkedIn Learning
IoT News and More!
Best practices for debugging Zephyr-based IoT applications
Best practices for debugging IoT projects that run on the Zephyr real-time operating system. – Embedded
Building an IoT Product — The Product(ion) Feedback Loop
A blog post from the perspective of an engineer about producing a physical IoT product using different Electronic Manufacturing Services. – Medium
ESP32-H2 Officially Recognized as a “Thread-Certified Component” and a “Zigbee-Compliant Platform”
The upcoming ESP32-H2 module is ZigBee compliant and supports the upcoming Matter protocol. – Espressif
No battery? That’s no problem for the future Internet of Things
Josiah Hester is producing batteryless devices for the future of IoT. One of the devices is a Gameboy powered by button presses and the sun. – Adafruit Blog
Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather
What’s Feather-shaped and has an ESP32-S2 WiFi module? What has a STEMMA QT connector for I2C devices? What has your favorite Espressif WiFi microcontroller and lots of Flash and RAM memory for your next IoT project? What will make your next IoT project flyyyyy? That’s right – it’s the new Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather! We also made one with a built-in BME280 temperature/humidity/pressure sensor – Adafruit Store
The ESP32-S3-BOX provides a platform for developing the control of home appliances using Voice Assistance + touch screen controller, sensor, infrared controller, and intelligent Wi-Fi gateway. – Adafruit Store
The ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 is an entry-level development board equipped with ESP32-S3-WROOM-1, a general-purpose Wi-Fi + Bluetooth LE MCU module that integrates complete Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE functions. – Adafruit Store
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