A new guide in the Adafruit Learning System: Nunchuck Controlled Laser Cat Toy. This new guide goes over how to build a Nunchuck Controlled Laser Cat Toy running with CircuitPython.
With CircuitPython, you can read the information from a Nunchuck controller, control servos, and turn pins on and off, so why not combine those and control a laser. Sure, you could always get a regular old laser pointer and just use your hand to move it, but that lacks the fun factor.
This project uses the ESP32-S2 Feather and one of the reasons for choosing it was due to the built-in STEMMA QT port, but another great reason is because of the WiFi support. This means you could expand the project with another ESP32-S2 Feather and control it over WiFi. Try doing that with a laser pointer!