We got one more tip from Ken about circuito.
Ken W emailed:
Is there an app like https://www.circuito.io/ that has all the Adafruit boards in it? It’s uber helpful having it route the wiring.
#CircuitPython2022 is our annual reflection on the state of CircuitPython. We’d love to hear from you too! See the kick-off post for all of the details. Here are the previous posts:
- CycleMatch’s (aka kmatch) thoughts on Twitter
- Jeff (aka jepler) posted to his blog.
- Dexter Starboard (aka rsbohn) wrote a short gist
- Kelly (aka ksprayberry) posted to the forum.
- Matt Kojetin wrote a comment on the kick-off blog post.
- Pierre Constantineau has written a blog post that dives deep into keyboard software including CircuitPython.
- blakebr posted three different topics on the forum.
- retiredwizard also posted to the forum about using CircuitPython REPL directly to change files and protecting sensitive data.
- mlewus posted on the forum
- JohnHind also posted to the forum.
- Phil (PT) from Adafruit talked on Ask An Engineer about #CircuitPython2022.
- Patrick (@askpatrickw) posted a gist with two new projects and a review of last years.
- Scott (@tannewt) posted #CircuitPython2020 to the blog
- Anne wrote in to give us her thoughts about CircuitPython in 2022.
- @MarkKomus has a Tweet thread
- Mark S sent us an email.