The History of the Choir Sound in New Order’s Blue Monday #MusicMonday

Blue Monday is a Monday in January, often the third Monday, that is considered by those who consider such things to be the saddest day of the year. It’s also a great track from New Order, a track that, while mournful, is not one considered to be one of the saddest songs in the world by those who consider such things. But those same considerers do consider the chorus sound in Blue Monday to be a great, mysterious, and legendary sound.

But where does the original sample come from, and how was it manipulated to become what it became? Here’s the answer from Mylar Melodies and Gear4music Synths & Tech:

In which Mylar Melodies explores the #sampling rabbit hole behind one most evocative choir sounds in music, casually recreates Blue Monday, and discovers the untold secret behind THAT sound!

Hear and learn more!

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