Indoor air quality measurement with Adafruit Feather and Adafruit IO @hackaday

Worried about your indoor air quality? tdw writes:

I was feeling poorly late this Summer and during that time, my wife made a comment about the quality of the air in our home. Since I wasn’t sleeping well during that period, it got me thinking that perhaps I should do a quick project to measure it. I did some research into various sensors, bought a few and set up a breadboard circuit that measured CO2, PM2.5, temperature, humidity and TVOC. I connected the thing to the IoT cloud and built a few dashboards to let me watch.

Seeing the data produced by the breadboard project, it seemed to me that I ought to make this permanent and lay out a PCB for it. I was initially inclined to design it just as an air-quality sensor platform but I tend to lean toward more generalized solutions when it comes to these things.

It supports both the Espressif ESP32 DevKit module footprint, as well as the common Feather module form-factor (Testing of feather boards is ongoing. So far the Adafruit Feather Huzzah 8266, Feather M0 AdaLogger, & Feather ESP32-S2 boards have been tried).  This allows for considerable choice regarding which processor module you want to use.

See this project on and the corresponding GitHub repo and an article in Hackaday.

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