Adafruit IO: New Actions Features

New Features to IO Actions

We’ve deployed a few improvements to actions recently.

Email Templating

The first is the ability to modify the subject and body of the email related actions (reactive and scheduled). You can now customize the content of them by using a simplified templating system similar to how webhooks worked in the past. For example your subject can now include the name of the feed and value:

The {{feed_name}} has just gone above the high mark of {{value}} degrees.

Reactive Notification Limits

The second new feature is the ability to limit how often reactive actions will notify you if something happens. For example, you may only want to be notified once per day if your mailbox is opened. This was an oft-requested feature, and we’re hopeful it makes the actions a bit less spammy for those that prefer fewer notifications.

Another feature that we added, is the reactive action option to “Notify on Reset”. If selected, this feature will bypass any notification time limits and always alert you once your action is no longer in an ‘alarm’ state. A good example of when this woudl be useful is if you have a sump pump. You get a notifiaction when the water level is high, but then you also want to know that the water level has gone back down once the water is pumped out and is no longer in an alarm state.

Adafruit IO UI for action limits

IO Free and Reactive Emails

IO users on a free account can now setup reactive actions with email as an output format. This is limited to a single email every 15 minutes. Your Adafruit account must be verified in order to enable email actions as well.

Various actions fixes

We’ve also deployed quite a few fixes around creation and editing of actions. Let us know if you’ve found anything new or still outstanding.

As always, if you have any suggestions or bugs to report about these new features, please let us know in the forums.

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