Having a REALLY Bad Day in the Shop

Something I always wish we saw more of in maker videos is projects that have gone wrong; epically bad days in the workshop. On Making Stuff, Dave Picciuto had such a day and he wasn’t afraid to share it all with us. Bad measuring, tools breaking — a LOT of tools, and just a general undignified day in the shop.

The video was supposed to be about making some wooden mugs with stainless steel whisky cup inserts. It turned into a lesson on how to roll with it when everything seems to go wrong. In the end, Dave invoked what I call the “Kenny Rogers Rule” (knowing when to hold ’em, when to fold ’em, and when to walk away). He walked away. He’ll revisit this “simple and easy” project some other day.

Dave also added up the cost of replacing all of the parts that broke: SawStop brake, table saw blade, bandsaw blade, drill press chuck, jointer cutter, and two of the four stainless steel cups that he bought. The cost for his “off” day in the shop? [cue cash register sound] $510. Ouch!

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